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Who gave Jen a Blog???

Writer's picture: Jennifer HydeJennifer Hyde

Updated: Oct 2, 2018

OKAY- so I have been dreading this- which is why after almost 10 year in business I didn't have one until today! I’m not what you would call a “writer” …. I’m not the most grammatically correct person…I overuse & abuse punctuation…. plus I’m what my high school writing teacher called” a talk-writer… meaning…. you need to read it like I’m talkinnnnnnng to you- oh and I'm pretty sure "tangent" should be my middle name … so if all of that is going to drive you bonkers—I apologize & totally understand… but I do promise this will be pretty fun, certainly funny, and well… after this one- the pictures will do most of the talking :) So try to hang in there through this one… I just wanted to be polite and officially introduce myself to those of you I haven't had the pleasure of meeting or photographing ( yet:) )

OK- so in a nutshull... I am a momma of two adorable kiddos, 7 + 2, the wife the most amazing man I have ever met- who is a grammar freak but he loves me anyways!! & Our little family wouldn't be complete without- our two dogs- Izzie & Lola + our lizard- Lucy and the 6 new guppy fish Evie got for her 2nd birthday. *pets not featured.. yet :)

So... that's my wonderful, amazing, crazy wonderful family.... They are the center of my world and the light of my life.... them.... and ....well.... WEDDINGS!


I am the total hopeless romantic who binges RomComs *whenever possible* and has been in love with love for as long as I can remember. It hit me hard in college... when watching- "Under the Tuscan Sun" ( one of my - could watch anytime anywhere movies & total go to when things get a bit tough... ) But anyways- in that movie the advice to "Fall in Love whenever possible" is given... and BAM! Oh course! Why not! Its the BEST feeling in the world... now, I want to state for the record here- I have been MADLY in love with my husband since our 3rd date... ummm about 15 years ago... and I still fall for him over and over again... BUT I also fall in love with, places, people, FOOD, and a TON of other things... its the greatest feeling and while its NOT anywhere near "real love" it's still fun to do.

Falling in love...

Falling in love- with anything is to find something that brightens your light- that speaks to your soul and makes you happy - something/one that enriches your life, brings happiness to your day & makes you feel more you... it HELPS you to be YOU- by being what you need and for loving and accepting you just as you are... Love comes in MANY MANY forms-- and not to go WAY off the deep-end- but we if is this idea seems crazy to most... maybe it should be the norm... it might help.... ok- moving on *quickly!*

My Husband and I have been married 10 years and if it was possible I would have planned a wedding every year if possible. I Love them, from the decor, to the anticipation, excitement, flowers, dresses ( oooh the dresses!!!! ) and just about everything else you can think of.... but what gets me the most!!! The story- the love story- how it came to be and all the dreams it helped to create. I am sooo truly happy to see my couples celebrate their love & start the next chapter of their lives- where together, they make their dreams come true. It gets me every time. Every. Single. Time.

So... combine my love for love & weddings and my deep passion for photography AND Poof! A wedding photographer was born :)

Right after we got married- about 10 years ago... I started my Photography Business and haven't looked back! I have done over 100 weddings & have loved each of them! It's incredible capturing a couple on their brightest happiest day and to see how infectious that is to those around them! I love to see how guests hold each other a little closer, smile a little brighter & soak in the love that fills the room. I couldn't see myself doing anything else- I wouldn't want to do anything else!!

If I do have a random weekend off - or least a Sunday -- lately you can find me running a race somewhere (my newest love!!!)... So far this year Dylan and I have tackled a Spartan Sprint & Beast and I did Chicago Half Marathon with my sister in law!... WOOT WOOT!!! I have a few more planned this year still- and am loving that new part of my life...

I'm also a lover of DIY projects, my silhouette machine - the GLUE GUN, refinishing furniture, traveling and going on adventures (even if just to a creek by our home), dancing like a dork in our kitchen with our kiddos and I'm a total West Wing Junkie!! I'm all over the place! I know... but why not :) oh and the color teal & mustard yellow & SEA TURTLES! and ANYTHING soft- its terrible I can justify needing it even if its weird/ugly because it's soft! we have the most amazing blanket that my dad got for us for Christmas a few years ago- it is the SOFTEST blanket I have EVER owned & and it has a name- Cow Blankie- because - seriously- it is a cow hide design.... it doesn't match ANYTHING in our home-- but it is beloved & cherished & fought over because it is so soft! So - seriously- who decided ME having a blog was a good idea... well... I'm not going to name names- BUT.... I don't know what they were thinking!!! This has been fun though & I'm looking forward to doing it again... what you can look for though is NOT a daily does of " Whose Jen" but more of a I LOVE THIS- and you might too and LOTS- and LOTS OF LOVE... Engagements, WEDDINGS, Bridal sessions + more!!!

So stay tuned if you love- love & amazing pictures of people in love! I look forward to hearing what you think! cause- another one of my loves!!! ( go figure right! )

Anywho! It was WONDERFUL to meet you !

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